Probate Law
Protect Your Family’s Financial Security
Our probate lawyers have 35 years of experience in Estate Planning and defending and contesting Wills. By avoiding the stress of attending court, we aim to achieve closure among families who are experiencing conflict.
No Costly Court Cases
In our experience, most cases can be resolved through mediation. These sessions give all parties the chance to present their case in a neutral environment. They can resolve their differences and come to an agreement on issues regarding the Will. An experienced counsellor will guide you through the mediation process. All matters discussed in mediation are strictly confidential. In the rare event where both parties cannot come to a reasonable agreement, our probate lawyers can prepare you for a trial.
Will Writing and Estate Planning
Establishing a Will can be a complex, time-consuming and emotionally stressful process. Our probate lawyers in Brisbane and Sydney will discuss your wishes and offer professional guidance to fairly distribute assets among your loved ones.By preparing for the future, you will protect the financial security of your loved ones, and save them from the burden of making these difficult decisions on their own.
Contesting a Will
If you believe you have been unfairly provided for in a recent Will, or have evidence to suggest the Will is invalid; our probate lawyers in Sydney and Brisbane can help. We take into consideration the following aspects of your case: Your relationship with the deceased and their relationship with other party members If there is any evidence to suggest claims of fraud, forgery and outsider influence upon the Will. Whether the current provisions may affect your financial position, access to education, work and ability to move forward in life. Whether certain changes in your life may make conditions laid out in the Will irrelevant or outdated. Our probate lawyers assess the evidence and give their honest opinion on your chance of success. They will prepare you for mediation and work with you to reach a satisfying outcome for everyone involved.
Defending a Will
As an executor or beneficiary to a Will, you may be responsible for defending any challenges against the Will. Your probate lawyer will assess the evidence against the Will, including the size of the estate, strengths and weakness in the claim, and the wishes of the deceased. With as little emotional and financial strain as possible, we encourage mediation to resolve any differences and work towards a positive outcome.